Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I know they mean well.....

Ok.. where to begin?!?!? All I can say is that I've had my fair share of being patient with people but sometimes you just want to blow up in their faces and say "SHUT THE HELL UP! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING"!!! (Sorry for that.. I just had to get it off my chest.)

What am I talking about here?!?? I'm talking about people that find out about my decision and they offer their advice of what I should and shouldn't do. As the title of this blog reads... "I know they mean well"..... but sometimes I wish I get more "I'm excited for you and I know you will do well".. instead of telling me what to do like I'm a child!

I get disappointed with certain friends that even jokingly makes me feel bad for leaving. Ya, I get that it sucks that I won't see my friends on a regular basis anymore... but it's not like they'll never see me again. I will keep in touch!

Is it too hard to ask for a lil support and make this decision a lil less painful. Yes, I'm excited to leave and to start a fresh start and a new adventure... But that doesn't mean I'm not sad that I'm leaving my Parents that I love with all my being... that I'm not sad for leaving the best friends a person could ever ask for...that i'm not sad for leaving the only home I've ever known.... I may not put my true feelings out there for all to see.. but trust me, I feel all emotions.. sadness, fear, excitement, anxiety and more!

All I'm asking is to make this easy for me.. in my head, my heart, I know that this is the best for me for RIGHT NOW. I can't predict what the future has in store for me, but I can't just wait for it to happen anymore... i have to take action and take control of MY LIFE.

Again.... I'm sorry.. I tend to ramble on and on... I'm not directly aiming this blog to anyone... it's jus a tool for venting for all to see. You'll get to see the good, the bad and the ugly through this blog...

With that said.. i will sign off here... I'm a lil less annoyed and a lot more exhausted. Good Night and Tomorrow is another day....

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