Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jus so you know....

So I realized after I posted my first blog entry that I jus dove into the world of blogging and not really explaining why I wanted to start one up.... The main reason I wanted to start a blog was for people to read about my upcoming adventure living in Toronto.

I honestly can't wait. I had wanted to move here when I was much younger and I know now that it would have been a huge mistake. I wasn't nearly as prepared as I am now. I've saved enough to get by until I'm settled down, I have a place to live (yes, on my own) but not too far from my dear friend and fellow "Royal", Jenalyn. It's gonna be great and I'm sure it'll be tough but it'll just make me stronger as a person.

I am surprised by the lack of support I am getting from some people. Atleast that's what it feels like. Some people have been great and happy for me and other people are like "Why the hell are you going? Are you stupid?" ... ok.. that's not a direct quote from anyone but they might as well have said it. The vibe that I'm getting from some people is that they don't believe I can make it there.. or "ready". If they knew me, they would know that I'm the type of person that thoroughly thinks things through and plans things out. I have backup plans to my backup plans. Financially, I believe I've saved enough money. I've been pretty good with budgeting and my finance after being debtless for over a year.

People think I'll be gone forever...I'm not dying people!! LOL... I've never ever told people that I'm gone for good... I don't know what will become of me in the future. If it doesn't work out, my home will always be Peg City. The point of this move is not because I hate the city (not like most Peg City sellouts) It's just something I need to do for myself. I need to be more independant, I need to be accountable for all my actions and decisions, I need to be me in a city that won't judge and watch my every actions. This is for me and no other reason. (Sorry, that was just a lil vent session I had to get out... LOL)

OK.. i'm rambling on and my readers have probably fallen asleep.. LOL... so this is it for now... until next time....

1 comment:

  1. good for you girl....that's what i've been saying all along!!! maybe i'll come visit you during caribana!!! woot woot!!!!
