Thursday, April 15, 2010

In 19 Dayz......

In 19 Dayz I will be on my way to a different life.
In 19 Dayz, I will feel sad, happy and scared at the same time.
In 19 Dayz, I will be leaving the home I've loved and leaving the people I love the most.
In 19 Dayz, I will be ending a chapter and starting fresh in a new one.

People have asked me "why?" How can I even explain? It's jus something I HAVE to do.

I NEED the change... I need to do this for me. For me it's the right time and I know I will have no regrets. No matter what, this is what's best for me.

If you would've asked me 11 years ago if I would consider leaving this city, I would've said " Hell No". I hated change and I honestly love Peg City. As years past, my life has been the same. Literally, THE SAME. As I watch friends move, settle down, getting married and having children.. it has made me realize that staying here will not get me where I want to be. From once hating change, to NEEDING change... only proves that the older you get... your thoughts and beliefs eventually change to.

In 19 Dayz, I will begin to find my true self.
In 19 Dayz, I will truly be independant.
In 19 Dayz, I will be free from my mistakes, my past, my regrets.

In 19 Dayz............. to be continued.....


  1. Dearest Sis, I KNOW for a fact that you will be are a strong person even when you feel like you are at the weakest moment in your life...and even tho we are growing farther apart by distance...its only by distance...we are always at each others side...i'm proud of your motivation to independence and excited for your new found adventures and experiences...we will always be in contact thanks to technology...jus remember to take care of yourself and if ever you need anything jus holla....lubbu sis *punch*...*^_^*
