Monday, June 7, 2010

Define "SINGLE"

According to the definition of "Single" can be defined as...
(I've only selected a few)

sin·gle   /ˈsɪŋgəl/ Show Spelled [sing-guhl] Show IPA adjective, verb,-gled, -gling, noun

1. only one in number; one only; unique;
2. unmarried

3. one person or thing; a single one.

Now having defined the word... everyone would see me and the 2nd definition to go hand in hand... Yes, it's true.. I'm unmarried but after having such a dramatic outlook of the word "Single".. personally, the first definition would best suite me. I am only one in number and unique.

Single to me, used to mean that I was alone. That I didn't have anyone to share my life with... now it no longer means that I am alone... the reality of it all is that I'm not truly alone. I'm surrounded by loving friends and family... who have shared my life with me and God watching over me.

For Generations, life was defined as going through certain stages.. going to school, graduating highschool/post secondary school, then finding a job, getting married, having kids, buying a house, and retiring. Life these days sometimes doesn't go in that order anymore but it's expected of us. When we go out of order or we live life unconventionally, people may judge and feel like this life is wrong. Who's to say what the right way to live life??

My greatest fear was to be alone. I know now, that I'll never be alone. I learned that the hard way.

Being "single" as defined as not being in a romantic relationship does not bother me anymore. I always thought being alone was a curse, but on the contrary, it was a blessing. I've learned to depend on myself, be independant, be more focus on the needs and wants for myself and not have it decided for me. My life is what it is and its under no one else's terms but my own.

I have a plan and yes it's unconventional, but it's MY life! I already know what I want and how to get it. I fully understand what to do with my life and how to live it.

If someone asks me if I'm single.. I'll proudly say "I am"... I'm ONLY one .. One in a Million.... and that's all it'll ever mean to me.

1 comment:

  1. gurl...i'm one of those people that love you...a perfect song for you would be jill scott "one is the magic number" you!
