Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's been about 3 weeks.....

It's been about 3 weeks since I left my beloved home and ventured off to Toronto!

It all started on May 3rd...the sun wasn't up yet... woke up at 3... got things together.. and the hard part of saying good-bye to my parents... It's a good thing that we joke around because if they started to cry, I would've balled!!!

The plan was to leave at 4... of course that didn't happen... after all the hugs and pictures and last minute things to pack... my voiceless friend, April, and I finally left my house around 4:45am... before leaving.. it was only tradition that I go to McDonald's and get myself a Sausage McMuffin for the road!

April and I got to McD's in Southdale at 4:54am... we arrive at the drive through and ordered our breakfast.... the guy inside tells us that they aren't serving breakfast until 5am... like WTF.... it's 6mins to 5am.... they told us to go inside to order... I was not impressed.

We finally got our breakfast and officially left the city a lil after 5AM...

The adventure officially started... the drive was pretty scenic.... I gotta say, it was a nicer drive than going to BC.... Anyways, we told people that we drove straight.. but technically we didn't.. we stopped for gas, to eat, and to take pictures by roadside attractions.. or jus of stuff because we wanted to.. lol

(Pictures to be uploaded soon)

It took us, I should say.. it took ME.. a day and half to actually get to Toronto (actually to Jenalyn's place to pick up my keys). I was exhausted.. we only slept for 4 hours at Sault St. Marie at the Staples Parking lot.. lol... i was pretty impressed with myself that I drove for so long by myself... the longest I had ever driven was to New York for 12 hours last summer..

after having lunch with Jen.... April and I went to my place that's only 3mins drive from Jen's place. The place was alright.. for the amount that I was renting it out for.... It's good for now until I am able to afford something better. But the area is nice and my landlord is pretty cool... i'm not close to the subway.. but it's ok cuz i have my trusty Jeep! Gotta love my Liberty... brings Freedom to a new level!

so to keep from making this a really long blog... the few week to me seemed like I'm on vacation. April, Loina and Lloyd and some Peg City Boys(for a Bachelor party) were here and when I see faces from Winnipeg.. I feel like I haven't quite left Da Peg.. lol... I've tried to email my K-LEM girlz when I can, I've called my parents and my BFF...I've kept myself busy and surrounding myself with familiar things.. like working out, eating foods that I would normally eat at home.

I don't really miss Da Peg all that much... I miss my friends but especially eating lunch with my parents everyday and my purple bedroom. I really miss my house!

I know that I've made this decision to move here and to find opportunities to live the life that I need to experience. I just needed to do this to say that I actually tried.. will I succeed? will I find happiness? will I find all the answers I'm looking for? I can't answer any of these right now... but I know that I'm at a place that I should be right now (I have the deja vu's to prove it.. LOL).

So far so good.. but only 1 major thing to make this a whole lot easier.. and that's a job that I can enjoy.

I've had my stress moments and my frustrations with certain things.. but you gotta "bet your bottom dollar" that I'm not going down without a fight.

So it's late.. I gotta sleep... Good Night.. and tomorrow is always a new day!

1 comment:

  1. From what I'm hearing, you are doing great over there. I am proud of what you are doing over there. Keep it up! I miss you lots Lynn! -BFF
