Monday, June 28, 2010

Good Dayz and Bad Dayz

It's been awhile since I've been able to write on here. It's been a roller coaster ride this month.

I've had the stresses of dealing with guy drama earlier this month. All to be explained in another blog (stay tuned). Then my parents visited and that was great. It brought my spirits up. We had a blast and I've almost didn't realize how much I've missed them. We went to the CN Tower, Niagara Falls, the Rogers Centre, Harbourfront, Spadina, even Pac Mall! it was so much fun, I didn't want them to leave!

After they left, so many things happened.

I experienced my First Earthquake on June 23, 2010. It was the weirdest experience. Of course never having to feel an earthquake in Winnipeg... I wasn't sure what was going on. You felt the building shake for a moment, and your mind plays tricks on you cuz you think it's your imagination. Then you get the Facebook status updates that people in the City felt the shake too... then you knew it was something different. The Earthquake was a magnitude of 5.5 and started North of Ottawa.
Apparently, Toronto has not felt an Earthquake before and I was "lucky" enough to experience it!!! Well, the Earthquake wasn't strong enough to make much damage. It freaked out more people than anything. Check out the link below:

It was crazy but I'm happy that it wasn't a tragic experience!

After that.. i had the worst luck in the world.... the next day.. i was on my computer and I accidently dropped my external hard drive... i really thought that it didn't fall that hard and that my stuff had broken its such luck... my External stopped working..and making funky clicking noises.. and that was it.. it was toast.. I was PISSED!!! I decided to let out some frustration and go to the gym.. I worked out for like 2 hours... and tried out a new work out courtesy of Mr. Jay Arr Raymundo (thanks bud).. and it totally kicked my butt... I felt better after the workout..

The Day was nice outside.. so I decided to get a salad at McD's... and then the worst thing that could happen to me was my Jeep Liberty wouldn't run!! WTF!!! I was so mad and frustrated and I literally started crying for the crappy day that I was having. Not only did it suck for my car to stop running.. but I had an Interview the next morning! I got the car Towed... got it sent to Canadian tire..and now waiting to get it back.... yes.. Its Monday.. and it's been there since Last Thursday and I still haven't got my car back!!! The mechanics here SUCK ASS!!! I don't like the idea of how much it's going to cost to get my car back... but i love my car that I jus don't care at this point. I jus want it back!

Friday was a better day! I got the Job and finally thing seemed to be getting better! I was excited and it was good timing because of the cost of my car repairs!

Now the plan (once i get my car back) is to find a new place to live. My apartment now.. is ok.. but could be A LOT better. I'm looking forward to finding a better place. Once that's done... then my world will be where it should be. I can get back to a "normal" life.

I cant wait until JUNE is over!! LOL... it was one month that I'm glad it's almost done! Please let me me have a better month in JULY!! Please!!

NEXT BLOG.... Guy Drama.. stay tuned....

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