Thursday, August 26, 2010

BRAMA - (Boy Drama) # 1

So I've procrastinated on blogging about my "Brama" since I've moved here....

Where should I start?? To keep names out of this, I'll obvious change them to nicknames that I've found amusing!

So we'll start with "Creepy Guy"... so I met this guy and I thought we'd hit it off. We went on a date.. we talked for about 5 hours and drinking and ended up dancing afterwards... the date went fine.. there was no kissing or anything like that afterwards as I really wanted to take things slow. The date seemed promising until THE NEXT DAY. When they say a guy shouldn't call a girl for atleast 3 days after the date, I think they're absolutely right... What I'm about to tell you would probably creep you out or maybe it's jus me...

So the "next day" phone call was like this... I was in the middle of watching the NBA Finals.. I believe it was the 5th game in the Lakers/Boston series. I was sitting on the couch watching the game when Creepy Guy calls.. I thought he would understand that I'm watching the game and i wasn't concentrating on the conversation. He thought it was endearing how much i was into the game and kept commenting on the game as if we were watching it "together". So he wouldn't let me go and once the game ended.. i told him to call me back when I got back to my place... He did exactly that...

So the conversation continues... had i only of known what was to become of this conversation... i would've told me to call me the next morning! So he's asking me questions, which is understandable since we've jus met but I got easily annoyed when he kept saying "CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION?". He literally asked that before every question he asked me!!! So i bit my tongue and told him that he doesn't have to ask if he can ask me a question and to simple ask THE question!

So he asked me... "Do you want to be with me?" "Do you want to get with me?" "Are you looking for a husband?" "If my brother had a bbq, would you go?" "Do you want to go on a trip with me?" and it went on and on...

Like WHOA.... slow down!!! I kept thinking to myself that I JUST went out with this guy YESTERDAY! and I'm suppose to know all the answers to that. Plus, get this, so by the power of the internet.. we save each other on FB.. and you can see mutual friends.. so we had about 5 mutual friends.. no big surprise.. I had mentioned to him that I was suppose to meet up with one of them .. i had asked him on the date if he was the jealous type as i have lots of guy friends.. he said No and that he has a lot of girl friends. "Perfect" i thought.. but it was all talk. When i mentioned this one person that I was suppose to hang out with.. he pretty much told me that he didn't want me to see him..

WTF??? We're not "together".. he can't tell me who i can and can not hangout with! I explained to him that we were jus friends and if something were to happen.. it would've happened already.. but nothing ever did. Besides the friend I was going to meet up with, is getting married! Creepy Guy thought that was worse.. that because he's engaged that I really shouldn't be hanging out with this guy. Watevz!!!

So anyways, my parents were visiting the following week after the first date. Creepy Guy said that he would go with me to pick them up.. I'm like HELL NO! for one thing I didn't want my parents to think i moved to Toronto for a guy. AND... i didn't have that good vibe with him to have him meet my parents right away. I made the excuse that I wanted my parents to myself... and that it would jus be a bad idea for him to meet my parents cuz then my parents will give me the third degree talk.. and I couldn't handle that.

So once my parents left... I thought that maybe I was a lil harsh on Creepy Guy and thought to give him another shot.. so i decided to hang out with him one more time jus to make sure that I'm not being stupid and guarded. So we watched the last Game of the NBA Finals and it was a disaster of a night.. for one Boston Lost!!! #2.. Creepy Guy annoyed the eff out of me on the ride home. He didn't have a car.. so I drove him home.. and sure enough.. the questions started flooding.. "Can I ask you a question?""Can I ask you a question?""Can I ask you a question?" OH EM GEE! I wanted to rip my head of and throw it onto on coming traffic on the highway! Yes, it was that bad.

Needless to say.... Creepy Guy is no longer in my life... too bad cuz on paper he was everything I thought i wanted.. he was filipino, tall, plays basketball, athletic, outgoing, can dance, kareoke's... etc etc.. but I now know that personality plays a big part in the whole dating scene. You can have the same interests as I do.. but there has to be that Connection.. which obviously, he and I didn't have.

So on to the next... but it'll have to be continued on a later entry.. oh yes, there's more Brama to come... Stay tuned!

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